Rutland Round

2024 Rutland Round

Each year the club organises a series of short runs over a period of 10 weeks that follow the boundary of our beautiful county, Rutland. The runs take place on a Thursday evening, commencing in June and continuing until August. Each leg is a different distance ranging between 5 and 8 miles. This is a great way of seeing parts of the county that you might not ever see otherwise.

Every year we alternate which way round we go round the Round (getting dizzy with all those rounds in there!). In 2023 we went in an anti-clockwise direction, so for 2024 we will be going in an clockwise direction. The following table provides the details for this year’s Round.

Leg Date From To Distance Leader
1 13th June Oakham Whissendine 5.75 Miles
2 20th June Whissendine Thistleton 7 Miles
3 27th June Thistleton Pickworth 7 Miles
4 4th July Pickworth Empingham 6.25 Miles
11th July No Rutland Round this week
5 18th July Empingham Ketton 7 Miles
6 25th July Ketton Barrowden 6.75 Miles
7 1st August Barrowden Lyddington 6.25 Miles
8 8th August Lyddington Uppingham 6.5 Miles
9 17th August Uppingham Braunston 8 Miles
10 24th August Braunston Oakham 5 Miles
Total 65.75 Miles

We meet at the END POINT of each leg at 7pm and then drive to the start point (taking enough cars to transport everyone) arriving in time to be ready to run at 7.30pm. Please check the calendar page for a more detailed description of the meeting point (some are a little obscure). If you are running late you can just make your way to the start point and we will transport you back there from the finish. Everyone is welcome, you don’t have to be a club member to join in and we run at the pace of the slowest runner on the night (so no-one will ever be left behind). Active participation in a post-run re-hydration session is also encouraged at a local pub 😉