We hope we have created a website that lets you find what you need to know about the club and its activities easily. Below we’ve put together a list of the most frequently asked questions but if you do not find an answer to your question here, please contact us at enquiries@rutlandrunandtri.co.uk. and we’ll get back to you with a reply.

How Do I Join Rutland Running & Triathlon Club ?

Membership of the club is open to all interested parties over 18 years of age. (if you are younger than this see the link to Rutland Athletics Club on our Links page). To join you need to complete a membership application form and send it complete with the annual membership fee (currently £15) to the address on the form. Your application will then be considered at the next committee meeting and you will be informed of the outcome.

You can download a membership application form here: RR&TC Membership Form

Do I have to Race to be a club member ?

No definitely not. Many of our members do race and participate in the club championship but many others prefer to just run socially.

Do I have to ‘do Triathlon’ in order to join the club ?

No you don’t. The majority of our members are not Triathletes, but if you decide you would like to give Triathlon a go there are several members willing to help you get started.

Does the Club Have 3rd Party Insurance Cover ?

Yes. Through our affiliation with England Athletics we have indemnity cover for all running activities undertaken as a club activity. Swimming and Cycling activities are covered by our Affiliation to Triathlon England and by individual members personal affiliation to the same body.